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LFT© is a NEW AVENUE in a life coaching area. It combines the best NLP and LFT tools, Zen Coaching, mindfulness meditation, breathwork, energy management, and modern hypnotherapy. Is based on the management of QHOL - Quantum Hologram of Life. The personal invisible sphere which is full of energy, memories, and information.
Eva May is a founder of this modality registered by IICT. LFT© uses highly effective, professional life coaching tools and original coaching/mindfulness/healing practices, created by Eva May (e.g. Number Codes - pain and trauma treatment). LFT process is directing you straight into the POSITIVE SHIFT you expect and more.

Quantum Hologram of Life (QHOL©) is a personal territory, the energy sphere you are living inside. It contains every invisible connection between you and the outer world and every emotional memory of yours. LFT life-changing process is based on the management of QHOL.

The QHL energy field is NOT an Aura field.


QHOL© is much more than Aura. This is an energy sphere that contains the whole INFORMATION about you: emotional memories placed on a different timeline (past), the moment of NOW (present) and various possibilities of our life scenario (future), depending on our choices.  

LFT© helps to cope with:

stress, fear, anxiety, negative emotions and habits, trauma, depression, low self-esteem, chronic pain, migraine, toxic relationships, addictions, the sense of life purpose, who am I, setting the goals, activation of inner power, creativity, leadership, success, learning skills, other.


More: This modality offers something more for those people who are seeking spiritual growth, want to develop higher intuition, get access to the heart's wisdom and inner guidance,  to have a permanent connection with a Higher Self. 

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